$1 from every Ayadora product sold will be donated to Ocean Conservancy
When I was 11 years old, I was shopping with my mother when I was stopped by a young lady who handed me a piece of paper. On this paper it said "Save the Planet" followed by a very long list of threats to our world, the rainforests, the sea, the air, the ozone layer and many others. I was immediately affected by this. I even wrote and performed my first song ever that year called "Save the Planet". Ever since that moment in my life I have cared deeply about the condition of our planet, doing my part to be a better human and loving this earth we call home. Call me a hippie, a tree hugger, tell me that climate change doesn't exist or that the planet is not at threat...So be it! But why can't we all agree that it is THE RIGHT THING TO DO to take care of the world we live in by using sustainable practices? There is no harm in loving and caring for our planet but there is great harm if we don't. I have finally followed my dream to bring nature into skincare products and share it with the world. I know I am amongst a rapidly growing industry, which makes me incredibly happy to see. I am thrilled to put my stamp on this important growing industry. We are one with nature and therefore nature is made to heal us. I also feel it is extremely important, if I am using nature in my products, that I give back to nature to help continue the health and wellbeing of our earth. This is why I have chosen Ocean Conservancy as the foundation to give back to. Ocean Conservancy is working to protect the ocean from today's greatest global challenges. The CEO of Ocean Conservancy, Janis Searles Jones says it best "What happens to the ocean impacts all of us", "The ocean is at the center of who we are. Even if you've never seen the ocean, you're touched by it every single day. It produces half the air you and I breathe every day, the food we eat and the water we drink".
I have chosen to donate $1 of every Ayadora skincare product sold to Ocean Conservancy. Below is their website where you can learn more and where you can also be the change by donating or simply taking action to let our leaders know how important it is that we take care of our oceans and our planet. Thank you in advance for being a part of the change!
~ Kelly Steward, CEO and Creator of Ayadora, Inc.